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Semi Automatic Strapping Machine

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Strapping Machine (semi-automatic / semi-auto ): Semi-automatic strapping machine adopts PP strapping as packing material. It is widely used in home appliance, food, general merchandise, medicine production, chemical industry, printing, post office and textile departments. It can work with production line and automatically finish the tension, cutting and welding. Features: Strap at quick speed and with high efficiency. Only takes 1.5 seconds for strapping one polypropylene strap. Instant-heating systems, low voltage of 1v, height safety, and will be in best strapping state in 5 seconds after you start the machine. Automatic stopping devices save electricity and make it practical. The machine will automatically stop and be in standby state when you don't operate it beyond 60 seconds. Electromagnetic clutch, quick and smooth. Coupled-axle transmission, quick speed, low noise, low wear and tear, and low breakdown rate.

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A, Automatic Belt Type Vacuum Packaging Machinery, Automatic Shrink Wrap Machinery, Automatic Shrink Wraping Machinery, Automatic Sleeve Wrapping Machine, Automatic Stretch Wrap Machine, Bulk Tea Vacuum Packaging, Candy Wrapping Machinery, Carton Sealing Machine, Cashew Vacuum Packaging, Chamber Type Machine, Chember Type Shrink Machine, Chocolates Wrapping Machine, Combo Type Seal And Shrink Machine, Combo Type Sealing Machinery, Continuous Impulse Sealer, Cushion Vacuum Packaging Machine, Double Chamber Vacuum Packaging Machine, Floor Top Shrink Tunnel, Floor Top Vacuum Packaging Machine, Heat Shrink Chamber, Heat Shrink Packaging Machinery, Heat Shrink Packing Machinery, Heat Shrink Tunnel, Heat Shrink Wrap Machinery, Heat Shrink Wraping Machinery, Heat Shrink Wrapping Machine, Heat Shrinking Machinery, Heat Shrinking Wraping Machinery, Jow Conveyor Shrink Tunnel, L Sealer, L Sealer Manual, L Sealer Shrink Tunnel, L Sealers, Manual Operated Heat Sealing Machinery, Mini Shrink Packing Machinery, Pillow Vacuum Packaging Machine, Pneumatic Pet Strapping Tool, Polyolefin Shrink Film (Dongmei), Pvc Heat Shrinking Wraping Machinery, Roller Conveyor Shrink Tunnel, Rotary Shrink Tunnel, Seal Shrink Combi, Semi Automatic L Sealer, Semi Automatic Shrink Wraping Machinery, Semi Automatic Strapping Machine, Semi Automatic Wraping Machinery, Shrink Chamber, Shrink Packaging Machinery, Shrink Packing Machinery, Shrink Tunnel, Shrink Wrap Machinery, Shrink Wrapping Machine, Shrink Wrapping Machinery, Shrinking Machinery, Shrinking Wraping Machinery, Ss Shrink Tunnel, Stainless Steel Shrink Tunnel, Stretch Wrapping Film, Table Top Shrink Tunnel, Table Top Vertical Vacuum Packaging Machine, Tabletop Vacuum Packaging Machinery, Toffees Wrapping Machinery, Tunnel, Vacuum Packing Machine, Web Sealer Combination Units, Wraping Machinery